
ENU is part of an “Excellence University Department”

ENU is part of an “Excellence University Department”

The ENU is part of the School of Medicine and Surgery – University Milano Bicocca,  designed by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) one of the Italian “Excellence University Departments” on January, 2018.

The MIUR has selected 350 Departments of the Italian public Universities on the basis of the ISPD score, a standard parameter of the department perfomance assigned by ANVUR (the italian authority for research evaluation).

350 Departments of the Italian public Universities were selected by the MIUR based on the ISPD score, a standard parameter of department performance assigned by ANVUR (the Italian authority for research evaluation).

Each pre-selected Department submitted a 5-years project,  evaluated by a committee taking into account both the content of the project and the financial plan.

Based on the CUN-areas (14 Academic Fields and Disciplines) the selected departments were grouped in distinct rakings

The School of Medicine and Surgery ranked first in the Medical Sciences area and overall 8 of the 14 Departments of Milano-Bicocca University were selected.

To find out more visit the pages on the website of the University Milano-Bicocca or on the MIUR website (italian contents only).