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At the Dept. of Neurology, “FONDAZIONE IRCCS SAN GERARDO DEI TINTORI” Hospital, Monza: Neuroimmunology CenterCancer-Neurology Outpatients CenterNeurophysiology Unit
Nanolive’s technology de-risks the biopharma investments into in-vivo studies by providing a game changing label-free new access to living cells. Our data rich analysis offers new scientific insights that would be missed with simple endpoint or fluorescence-based assays. A revolutionary non-invasive live
Paola Alberti, researcher and neurologist of the ENU team, entered the rankings “CMTA’s 40 Under 40“, that brings together the best 40 researchers under 40 who are making a fundamental contribution to research on Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT),a form of hereditary peripheral
Cavalloro V, Marchesi N, Linciano P, Rossi D, Campagnoli LIM, Fossati A, Ahmed KM, Malacrida A, Miloso M, Mazzeo G, Abbate S, Longhi G, Ambrosio FA, Costa G, Alcaro S, Pascale A, Martino E, Collina S. Neurodegeneration: can metabolites from Eremurus
One of ENU members, Paola Alberti, MD, PhD, was recently funded by Fondazione Cariplo under the call Ricerca Biomedica condotta da Giovani Ricercatori (i.e., Biomedical Research conducted by Young Investigators). She was assigned a 250,000 euros grant as PI to conduct a 3 year project
Synthesize new molecules capable of reducing the invasiveness of glioblastoma (the most aggressive of brain tumors) and counteracting the phenomena of drug resistance to the chemotherapy currently in use. This is the goal pursued by a multidisciplinary and inter-university research
PhD StudentMSc+39 02 64488110a.squarzoni@campus.unimib.it Angelica Squarzoni has been born in Italy 04 June 1997. She received bachelor education in Biological Sciences at the University of Ferrara, in 2019. In 2021 she received the master degree in Health Biology at Alma Mater
PhD StudentMSc+39 02 6448264c.invernizzi14@campus.unimib.it EDUCATION AND TRAINING Born in 1998, she graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Milan Bicocca in 2020 and she took a Master degree in Biology applied to biomedical research at the University of Milan
PhD StudentMSc+39 02 6448177l.cherchi1@campus.unimib.it EDUCATION AND TRAINING Laura Cherchi was born in Italy in 1996, she graduated in Biotechnology from the University of Sassari in 2019 and then she obtained the master degree in Molecular and Medical Biotechnology in