Exploring the effect of novel TLR4 antagonists in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicityANTAGONISM – tArgetiNg breasT cAncer using functiONalized lIpoSoMesCortical lateral connectivity in the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain: a target for non-invasive radiosurgical therapiesEvaluation of novel neuroprotective strategies in the treatment of retinal ganglion cell degeneration by multiscale 3D neuroimagingInterplay between NEuroactiVe stEroids and endoplasmic Reticulum-MitOchondRia intEraction: a novel therapeutic horizon in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (NEVERMORE)The vascular contribution in chemotherapy-induced painful peripheral neuropathy: beyond the neurocentric view and towards novel therapeutic targetsHistone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) inhibitors: possible neuroprotectors for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathySodium-calcium exchanger (NCX) and ion channels: pivotal elements leading to axonal damage in peripheral nerves? (IonNerve project)Multidisciplinary approach to optimize the promising anti glioblastoma candidate MV1035ANTHEM – AdvaNced Technology for Human centEred MedicineChemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity (CIPN): Why should we care?HDACi: the Columbus’s egg in improving cancer treatment and reducing neurotoxicity?Understanding the role of tubulin post-translational modification and mitochondrial impairment in bortezomib-induced peripheral neurotoxicity