The Experimental Neurology Unit (ENU) was implemented in 2007 at the University of Milano-Bicocca (School of Medicine and Surgery) with the specific aim to unify different expertise and equipment in a single research team at the highest preclinical level to investigate the pathogenesis of central and peripheral nervous system diseases and to test their treatment.

The main focus was on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (CIPN), but it has been subsequently extended to multiple sclerosis, innovative drug delivery methods and restorative medicine using cellular transplants. To ensure an effective translational potential toward early clinical application of the results, Prof. Guido Cavaletti, already an internationally-recognized expert with a fairly unique preclinical and clinical commitment in the field of neuroscience, was appointed as head of the ENU since its foundation.

Research topics

GBM neurosphere


Researchers working at the ENU group are involved in several projects concerning glioblastoma. Projects are…

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